Karlta Zarley: Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

210 Little Lake Drive, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Karlta Zarley: Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

2017 Newsletters

The newsletters below are listed beginning with the most recent.

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Karlta Zarley - December 20, 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 13
December 20, 2017


Dear Ones—

This is the time of year when the nights are long and we feel inclined to hibernate and turn inwards in introspection and deep inner rest. This is important every year and always seems to fall at a period when time is especially of the essence. However, this year it is particularly important because we are ending a large phase of deconstruction and preparing to move into reconstruction. Although the energy has been giving us glimpses of this and some of us can sense something big and wonderful is just around the corner, it can be hard to believe it if we trust our 3D eyes and cling to the outer shared reality as being real.

I urge you this year to really take time to quiet your heart and soul and “See” with your inner eyes, “Hear” with your inner ears and look at the energetics of the True Reality. That is where the energy will shift first, and it will follow in the 3D world. That is where things are starting to swing the other way and become slightly easier (as opposed to the trend for the last 5 years which was that each year felt a little harder). Look behind the scenes and see that we are making progress on our societal conversations about things like sexual misconduct, alternative energy sources, increased attention to stabilizing the middle class, and that all lives matter (which is part of all of this conversation and more). Increasingly, people are talking about and acting out of kindness towards others. People are starting to choose hope over cynicism and cooperation over competition between individuals. We truly are at a turning point.

At times like this, it is especially important to govern your thoughts and emotions so that you don't go from a moment of despair to wallowing in it. And it is important to use memory correctly in a way that helps you to keep your focus on hope, Truth, kindness, gratitude, etc. rather than always reminding yourself of old unhelpful stories about how something failed last time, or how “those people” were always ____ (fill in the blank with something divisive, cynical and negative). Every moment one person allows themselves to become overwhelmed and give up on society, they are putting their emotional and energetic resources into a piggy-bank marked “negativity.” That means that all the momentum achieved by focusing on the good, on what you do want to take place in society, on gaining connection to others is suddenly diminished and eroded by those times of despair, hopelessness and wallowing.

Catch yourselves as quickly as you can when you cycle into those dark places. I'm not saying “sweep it under the carpet,” or “don't feel those things,” or “be Polly-anna.” Acknowledge that you feel that way, and then use strategies that help you get out of that dark pit: physical touch with a loved one; getting some exercise outdoors; distracting yourself with a hobby you like; reminding yourself of how things change energetically before they change physically and that you don't have to know HOW things will further change to know that they WILL change; talk to folks who can help you move back to hope and gratitude. These are ways to interrupt the wallowing and get your attention more rapidly onto what you really do want so that your despair won't push it away.

And especially, help those around you who sink into despair to regain hope, centeredness, gratitude and positivity rather than commiserate with them and further drag down the energy. It is up to us folks!

We are the Ones we have been waiting for!!!


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - November 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 12
November 17, 2017


Dear Ones—

Last month we talked to you about what you stand for...how to figure it out, prioritize, compromise, and move forward. We likened this to a remodeling project at home with the planning, demolition, installation and finishing phases. As a society, we won't be ready for installation for a little while yet, as there is still demolition going on. You pull up the linoleum on the bathroom floor thinking that you will lay tile, but once the linoleum is up you realize that there were leaks that got under the flooring into the subfloor, AND that the joist underneath has rotted out a little bit and is weak.

In society, as the differences between the choices become more and more apparent (do I take care of myself and let others take care of themselves to the best of their ability? Or do I help to take care of everyone Knowing that in doing so I will automatically be taken care of in the process?), we see that the foundation is water-damaged by un-dealt-with emotions, denial, self-centeredness, fear of lack, disregarding of the complexity of human need and want, and lack of universal respect for all living beings. We could “cheap-out” and “pave-over” the problem and make it look “nicey-nice,” but it won't be strong and it won't prevent more problems in the future. We tried that before, and it didn't work, which is why we are now “changing the linoleum” in the first place. In society, we need time to realize that there are issues that others have that we are totally unaware of, to figure out all the nuances of those issues, talk about possible fixes (complex fixes at that!) and then make a plan. That is why everyone NEEDS to go through their own process of realizing what's going on, figuring out their priorities and talking about ways to compromise so that ALL are taken care of. This takes time. You may think that you are done with that, and in terms of your own needs you may be right. But please stay open to the idea that there may still be fine-points that you were previously unaware of, or that your hard sought-after inner peace won't fully manifest until ALL beings have all of their needs and at least some of their wants are taken care of in a way that honors and respects Who They Are.

So in the meantime, take the time to get to really understand some of these other issues. Don't go at it to “educate” someone so that they can be like you. They are NOT you. That way of coming at things is not respectful and does not honor where they are and what they need. No two situations are alike, and your solution may or may not even apply. As you get to know the depth of the issues and what would truly help others (based on actual conversations with them), get active in the community to help advocate for them, bring that information to light, shift policies, raise monies, etc. All of that is part of ripping out the subflooring and cutting out the rotted piece of the joist under the floor.

As you find solutions, be willing to see that any true fix requires some financing, and it usually is more expensive than you had originally “budgeted for the project.” But it costs what it costs, and is better than spending a lot of money but not fixing it right and falling through the floor to the basement in a year, and then still spending even more money but having a solid floor and a bathroom that cannot leak in the future, rather than fixing it right the first time.

Your society in particular has gone for the quick, cheap or even free fix in the past. It has skewed your mindset as a society that that is somehow preferable to doing something right the first time. Think about your own life and where you might be guilty of this very same mindset. That is part of what you need to bring to the table in this process.

Once you start to put the section of joist in and tie it into the house, that is the beginning of the installation phase. Only people can make society move from the demolition phase to the installation phase. Help others to see what they are working on as well. Work together. Listen to everyone's ideas. Think outside the box. Be willing to pay for the foundational pieces and make peace with the notion that you may have to settle for the less expensive tile to stay on budget. At least it will still look fine but you won't fall through the floor and have to do this again (and again, and again in the case of changing the parts of society that we most dislike).

The is the real Work of the Spiritual Path: consistently holding your own feet to the fire to see the very qualities you want to see in society. You MUST embody them yourselves, all the time, in order to role model them for others, so that society can change as a whole. This is the path to the New Paradigm. This is True Progress.


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - October 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 11
October 16, 2017


Dear Ones—

As your world shakes off the old paradigm, things become more and more chaotic. There is a moment in time when it can feel very unstable in that energetic pause when the dust is trying to settle before the New Paradigm is fully built and finished. But please note that we say “fully built and finished,” not “is built.” When you remodel your home, there is planning, demolition, installation and finishing. You are at the very end of demolition and about to start installation. You see this in your society. You feel it in your core. It is messy, costly, and there are invariably unexpected delays and problems that crop up...just like the house.

But unlike with a house remodeling, this is the moment when those in society must finally determine what they stand for. Many of you have already begun to think this through. Many more have been avoiding this for as long as they can. Even those who think they know what they stand for need to re-evaluate to make sure things haven't shifted or fine-tuned in the intervening chaos.

So we invite you to stop and think carefully about this: What compromises do you make in order to get along? To have financial and physical security? To feel emotionally safe? To maintain your health (even at a minimum)? To be joy-filled? To feel connected to yourself and others? To take the long-term view of taking care of society and the environment? Are these compromises serving you? Look at the this set of compromises and think about what is reasonable and what is not. Please note that we don't say “pleasant” or “due to you” or “easy.”

Now think about which chakras are linked to these things. The first chakra is about clan, family of origin, the flow of life force energy, safety and security, and money. Second is about emotions and creativity, including creating children, solutions and beauty in the world. Third is about our ability to take care of ourselves, how we want to be seen in the world, and how we see ourselves. Fourth is about our relationships with the Divine, others and ourselves, and our ability to give and receive unconditional love. Fifth is about our ability to identify our Truth, to state it, live it, and make sure that we are heard, and about how well our will is aligned with Divine Will for All. Sixth is about our ability to envision change, what we want and need, and our access to manifestation and spiritual guidance. Seventh is about our connection to whatever we call the Divine: do we feel it all the time, do we nurture it everyday, do we move forward along our Spiritual Paths consistently. Now think about where in all this you want to dwell.

That is a lot of thinking!! But we aren't done yet! This next piece is even more important, but can't be done without the first pieces. Now think about what compromises you are willing to make to move the paradigm forward. Remember that real compromises are NOT what you are willing to give up that you don't really care about. It is about what concessions you are willing to make to get something you prize even more? This is step important too, so that you don't have a knee-jerk reaction to something that might actually move your creative agenda forward towards the New Paradigm, because it catches you off guard when you don't think about it ahead of time. What is a deal-breaker for you when creating the New World? How can you acknowledge others and their fears of moving forward so that it is easier for EVERYONE to move forward? How can you engender harmony, respect, fairness and deep understanding for all those involved as you co-create what you all want?

This is a pivotal time for co-creating a New World Order. It is messy, scary, exhilarating and absolutely essential that every single person works together to do this! If you want your life to count for something, this is it! Show up! Do the work—both internal and then external in society. Let your heart open towards yourself and others. Dare to See what could be and don't allow yourself to be distracted by your fear or other issues that aren't as important. Ask for help from all you meet—those with skin on, and those without (guides, off-world beings, Source). Be willing to work hard for what you want and be accountable to yourself AND others in this process. Be generous of heart, and joyful of spirit.

This is your moment to shine!


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - September 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 10
September 5, 2017


Dear Ones—

Our Retreat to Arkansas over the total eclipse of the sun time was fabulous and we had great weather! So much change is taking place. I haven't talked to anyone since I got back (and these are folks from all over the U.S.) who has NOT been affected by the massive increase in the number of frequencies coming into the planet and the energetic dynamics and chaos that has set off in our personal and collective lives!

This is bringing up our Shadow issues—those things that 1) we would rather not look at because it scares or overwhelms us or casts us in a light that isn't flattering; 2) issues, situations, relationships and the like that just aren't working for us anymore; 3) gifts, abilities, and senses that are not very tangible (such as intuitive abilities, access to our Higher Selves, and inner resources) and that we may not even belief we have; 4) where do we sabotage ourselves; and 5) issues, behaviors, habits, relationships, etc. that aren't that helpful to us, but that we are unaware of or clueless about.

Of course this last one is the hardest to get a handle on because we are totally unaware of it. The way we look for those things is to a) not surround ourselves with only people who believe what we believe or who will only confirm what we say or think. People tend to want people around them that mirror themselves back so that they can indulge in the illusion that they are always right, powerful, capable, strong, etc. but that is a slippery slope that can get us into trouble. b) Be willing to Hear something we don't want to hear or believe about ourselves. Look at things that we may really, really like, or want in our lives, but that are hurting us and that those around us are pointing out to us. Think of it like this: a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter on a sandwich is fine for lunch, but eating the whole jar for lunch sets up us for all kinds of emotional and physical health problems.

c) When things happen around us that we don't like that are about us (not injustice for others or those types of things)--this means people that we don't like to be around, that we don't get along well with, situations that don't go smoothly, arguments, etc.--these things are mirroring back to us some aspect of ourselves that we are usually blind to and are projecting out to the world. Yeah, we don't want to hear that...but this is where we look for the things that we are blind to. If you literally get along with everyone and life is smooth sailing, great! But if not, then look at the sticky-widgets in your life and examine yourself for what part of that is yours—either you are “starting it,” or you are buying into it, or you are afraid of it, or it is hurting your feelings, or you are struck by how unfair it is, etc. We weren't promised that life would be fair and easy, but it is a laboratory for us to find the bread-crumb trail to See Who We Really Are and address that and improve, and this is how we do it. Don't avoid those people or situations, don't make excuses, don't rationalize yourself out of it, and don't shove it under the rug. Just look at it and address it head-on, with help if you need it. d) Avoid telling yourself a story about something just to make yourself feel better or “to try to understand it,” especially if the story is divisive (between you and others), hurtful (to you or others), or lets you off the hook in some way. The story is your ego trying to make you feel better when you are afraid, don't understand, or just mess up. That story isn't helpful. Sometimes we ARE afraid. Sometimes we DON'T understand. Sometimes we DO mess up.

We are human. And yet, that is where we can learn the MOST about ourselves and Who We Really Are. That is how we improve ourselves from the inside out. That is how we learn to love ourselves unconditionally so that we may love others unconditionally. That is how we finally fill the ache of loss or emptiness inside when other people and things can't. That all comes from within, and only from within.

That is how we become Whole.

All of Us.

That is how we create a New Paradigm—by being Divine Beings negotiating a 3D experience that reflects that we are getting back to Oneness. It has to start Inside each of us first.

Be Well!

© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - August 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 9
August 11, 2017


Dear Ones—

I was doing some work with a friend of mine today and I was channeling information about what is happening with the frequencies of the partial lunar eclipse this last Monday, and the upcoming total eclipse of the sun. This is what I was told:

“The lunar eclipse brought in a 10-fold increase in the number of frequencies available to planet Earth from the multiverse. The solar eclipse day will see an increase in the number of frequencies by a million-fold. The anticipated increase was to be 1000-fold. (A million is 1000 x 1000!) You will need exquisite self-care, and use earth, air, fire, and water essence energies to help you assimilate this as well as music, more salt in your diet and gentle movement. Use Emergen-C as you will need to the extra Vitamin C as well in this process. The skeleton is an Earth essence energy system, and the muscles (which are normally Earth essence energy) are being transformed to an Air essence energy system to balance the skeletal changes.

“There are hardware (physicality) changes this week and software (field, beliefs, expectations, emotions, M.O., attitudinal etc) changes next week. You will feel somewhat jangled, mostly from the “hardware” part of the upgrade now.”

This is a thrilling change!!! Not only have we been waiting for this huge change for a very long time, but the fact that it is 1000 times stronger than originally projected is amazing and gives us a glimpse into how things can “change on a dime.” Please know that we all have access to these energies, although we may not all NEED access to these energies in the same amount. Think of this like notes being played on an instrument—there are a million more notes available AND the volume of the notes is much louder.

This can make for some trying moments for us “mere mortals” so if you notice that you are being challenged by this, you can ask your Spirit Guides to tone it down or slow it down a little bit. Also, give yourself the opportunity to rest more than usual, and feel free to follow the guidelines that Spirit laid out above to help your physical body to stay as centered and grounded and comfortable as possible!

I'm leaving on 8/17 to lead a retreat group to Arkansas for the eclipse and I hope to write another newsletter after that updating you all on what happened there then.

Be Well!

© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - July 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 8
July 6, 2017


Dear Ones—

For decades society has talked about tolerance and has worked towards inclusiveness. You see this around you—efforts to rename racial groups as “Native American” or “African American”; increasing sensitivity to rename sports teams from formerly derogatory minority labels; no longer calling folks “handicapped” but “challenged”; changing idioms of speech so that they don't reflect denigrating ideas traced back to minority groups such as using the term “haggling” rather than “Jewing someone down”; etc. During this time, segregation has legally ended and society has moved through “minority quotas” for colleges and hiring to being worried about “reverse discrimination” and whether we are “politically correct.” In many ways there is less racial tension in the workplace and in the heart. These are big, important and necessary steps, but they are not an end point. They are barely a beginning.

We know we haven't come far enough! We see it in the frayed edges around society: the rise in the Alt Right movement, increased fear-mongering in society (as a reaction to fear that can't be acknowledged in public), huge percentages of incarceration for some groups, increased racial tensions between law enforcement and minorities, and so much public bickering, name-calling, internet bullying and generally bad behavior that society talks about being “civil” to each other. How did the standard of treating others as you yourself would like to be treated get so watered down and weak that now we just have to be “civil” in order to get along???

Tolerance only got us out of Kindergarten, and now we see how much more there is to learn, to work on, to put into practice. All of this is a good start, but we need to be able to purposefully expose ourselves to people of all persuasions, ideas, cultures and economics in order to get back to the idea that we are all the same. We all have the same needs and wants. It isn't just about the car you drive or the way your nails are done. We ALL want a living wage, meaningful work, justice, harmony, freedom, fully intact relationships, security, and social cohesion.

We have to be willing to put aside what commercialism tells us—that we don't “deserve” to be uncomfortable, that we can have a perfect, immediately gratifying life where we indeed can “have it all.” That isn't real!

What is real? That we can have ease in the midst of striving, sureness in the midst of doubt, enough in the midst of lack, and “be rich and someday we'll have money.” But how do we do that?

We remember that we can sit next to pain, grief, difficulty and injustice and the awareness of it won't hurt us. It can make our hearts ache. It can make us uncomfortable and uneasy. But it also makes us stronger, more compassionate, more able to see the complexity of issues that contribute to various societal problems that NEED to be addressed. We have stopped looking at what we don't want to see thinking it will magically go away. THAT ISN'T WORKING!! It is making us self-centered, arrogant, uncaring and fearful.

We need to be willing to hear AND consider points of view other than our own. We need to know people from all walks of life, all races, all socioeconomic strata, all backgrounds, and be in deep conversation and communion with them. We need to not go for the quick or cheap fix to our problems but instead look for comprehensive and compassionate solutions that address ALL the contributing factors to an issue rather than “the band-aid approach” to the most apparent issue. We need to take the long view rather than seek immediate gratification or even immediate results. We need to honor the intrinsic complexity of our society, our relationships, our very selves in how we think and feel about ourselves and others. We need to leave judgment behind and step into the discernment that brings us an appreciation for the very complexity that is inherent in our lives together.

This is how we move from “either/or” to “both/and.” This is how we move from separation to the paradox of uplifting our Unity AND our Individuality. This is the real work of Mastery and Oneness—anchoring our personal spiritual awareness into our common society.


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - June 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 7
June 6, 2017


Dear Ones—

How do we truly, deeply shift our pain and our traumas? We might think that if we ignore them, they will go away. But they don't—they just fester under the surface and come out sideways in bigger and more traumatic ways than the original event. Maybe if we talk about them ad nauseum and really wallow in them they will shift...but no, psychoanalysis shows us that we just more firmly bond with them and take them on as who we are, forgetting in the process Who We Really Are. What if we tell ourselves a story to try to make it more understandable to ourselves? Usually those stories (particularly about trauma) paint us to look like a blameless victim, because somehow that is more “okay” when we don't feel very strong. Yet over time, this creates a sub-story that is even more damaging than the original event because now rather than making a mistake, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time or some such, we have become a Victim and a loser.

So what's a Being to do? We need to learn to sit and just be with our pain and woundedness...not try to explain it, or fix it, or even wrap words around it sometimes. Just acknowledge it and acknowledge the accompanying feelings of failure, disappointment, embarrassment, helplessness, hopelessness, or any other feelings we have about not only the event, but our response to the event. (Do you ever think, “I thought I was more evolved than this!?!”)

To Be with our pain does not address or change or fix the uncomfortableness of it. However, without doing this, we cannot fully heal it and recover. When we sideline grief and pain, we sideline compassion. When we “wage war” on our problems (individually or societally), we use the energy of frustration, anger and righteousness, which gives us a good start, but doesn't sustain us in the long-haul to really, deeply and completely fix a problem. It's like buffing out a dented car bumper and spraying over the dent, rather than replacing the fender with a new one and then priming and painting so that it all is really fixed. In the former, rust and weakness are inherent in the solution. In the latter, strength and beauty are present. It costs more in terms of money, time, effort, emotion and genuineness, but you end up with something real and lasting, comprehensively addressing all the issues present and bonding the participants into community so that hopefully it really won't happen again.

In the latter we can see nuance and wholeness, respect and dignity, compassion without pity. Rather than just feeding the hungry and hoping that enough folks bring food to the food pantry, it not only feeds someone, but addresses overall nutritional status with whole foods rather than cheap foods. It is looks at the role of lack of enough jobs or jobs at inadequate wages, or adequate wages but without a feeling of stability in terms of medical insurance, retirement savings or even assuring that one will continue to have work. This then has an impact on whether a child can actually learn while in school because they can think clearly, rather than just hold on by their toenails for a free school lunch. It is being vulnerable for those in trouble AND for those with enough resources that might feel a little embarrassed or ashamed that they have so much. The vulnerability IS NOT weakness or gullibility. Vulnerability is fragility and unsureness. Yet it is this very state of being vulnerable that imbues one with the true courage to face difficulty and persevere enough to really vanquish the problem.

Now one has moved from victim to Victor, from weak to Strong, from broken to Resilient. Now one has stepped into their Power and in turn has empowered those around her. This is mastery, justice, unconditional love and acceptance. It's not that life isn't hard—no one promised that life would be easy, for it is the difficulty that teaches us so much about ourselves and others. The lesson here is that
we don't have to do it alone. And in truly being a Community, we need to acknowledge each others' victories and sorrows; be open-hearted enough to really be Present and compassionate; realize all the moving parts to a great “fix” and begin that long-term and expensive investment in each other and ourselves; and really move through healing to fully curing.

This is how we really care for and nurture each other and ourselves. This is how we heal things for once and for all. This is how we move towards Mastery and Oneness.


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - May 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 6
May 18, 2017


Dear Ones—

This month we want to talk to you about how paradigms change. You may think that they change from outside of yourself, that there needs to be some critical mass point that is reached and then things can really start to change. You may feel that there is a deconstruction and reconstruction and chaos and uncertainty, and then things appear in a new pattern. This is only partly right, but it is not what actually propels the change.

Yes there is figuring out what you don't want, and then figuring out what you do want; being specific and yet allowing for “this or something better.” There is focusing only on what you do want and staying positive and absolutely certain that it is already created in some reality, and is just waiting to be pulled into existence in this 3D reality.

Desire is needed, and of course the 3D traits of persistence and willingness to do some of the work to make it happen, such as collaborating with other people of similar vision and inspiration, not to mention the detail work of meetings, funding, and working out details. Once created by desire, gratitude is what perpetuates it, along with more maintenance in the form of upkeep, nourishment and tending to the ongoing details.

But what PROPELS the creation of a new paradigm? What brings it forth like a cannon-shot? What launches the possibilities into probabilities for mass change that is as easy as possible???


It is the delight that we can all carry with us all the time. Delight in Nature. Delight in perfection. Delight in having a glimpse of Oneness in our lives within our own hearts or even in those around us. Delight in living and breathing our connection to the Divine and All That Is. So many of us forget about this. We feel delight when we have an “aha” moment! We feel delight when we meet a new soul sister or brother! We have delight when we see synchronicity in action! But too soon it gets replaced by...what? Nothing? A default setting of “business as usual”? Or replaced with the pessimism of “being realistic”?

We have a duty to live our Delight—to show others Delight in our eyes; to speak of it in our conversations; to cling to it when we see change in society rather than lose focus and pay attention to our fears or disappointments. That Delight can buoy us through uncertainty. That Delight can partner with courage to move forward so that WE don't become the obstacle to change. That Delight further engenders imagination so that we can solve problems as they arise rather than obsess about possibilities that may never happen.

Are you living your Delight? Where do you experience it? How do you show it? How can you embody Delight more fully so that change is easier and more aligned? Now bring on the New Paradigm!


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - April 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 5
April 22, 2017


Dear Ones—

For years, decades, indeed lifetimes, beings have been yearning for and working to bring a New Paradigm into being—one of ease, abundance for all, universal unconditional love, joy, and Inner and Outer Peace and Harmony. Now that we stand on the cusp of the next big step in that process, I urge us all to think about how we are NOT contributing to that leap.

Do you have resistance to being told what to do? Is change only okay if it looks the way you think it should rather than some other way? Are you struggling with fear of the loss of your own security and comforts? Are you feeling impatience, a fear that there isn't enough, an unwillingness to wait for others? Are you arrogant...even a little bit? Do you ever think, “If “they” would just ____, this would be so much easier, quicker...even already finished”?

Do you still feel irritation? Do you want to kill that insect, or animal, or even a person? Is your language peppered with phrases like, “the war on _____”, “you're crazy”, “I hate it when...”, “you are worthless, stupid, or just plain wrong”? When even our words hold traces of negativity, judgment, and unloving sentiments, we are still hurting others and we still aren't ready to live in a New Paradigm. As long as your needs are more important than someone else's (rather than
as important as someone else's), we aren't ready. As long as we are still hurting the Earth, each other, and even ourselves through passive-aggressiveness, self-sabotage, self-deception or self-judgment, we aren't ready.

We have seen that acting politically correctly, in other words pretending to not feel any form of negativity or fear even if we are, only makes those feelings fester and the “pus” of the resulting resistance, aggravation and fear of not being Seen slops not only into other aspects of our own lives, but often spills over into hurting others with our thoughts, words and actions.

The only way through this is to feel these feelings, learn to sit with them without judgment of ourselves or others, acknowledge that we are maybe not as far along on this Sacred Path as we would like to think, and then forgive the feelings, the situations, the people and especially ourselves and truly let it all go. Then and only then do we step into unconditionally loving ourselves. And ultimately, only when we love ourselves unconditionally can we love all others unconditionally.

We need to learn to trust this uncomfortable process, be patient, and become better acquainted with ourselves and others so that we can actually See the God-Spark in each of us. Only then can we learn to trust others, because we have learned to trust ourselves. Only then can we learn to Listen to and See others, because we have Heard and Seen ourselves. Only then can we move fully into the wonderful, messy, chaotic, beautiful evolution of society and ourselves. Then we are ready for the New Paradigm. Then we are ready for Heaven on Earth. Then we can really live in harmony, because all of that has to come from within before it is totally manifested around us.

We have to live that Reality first in faith. That is the Paradox that points the Way.


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - March 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 4
March 27, 2017


Dear Ones—

The world has long been seen as either Yang/Masculine, or Yin/Feminine. This goes beyond the sexes and sexuality and is based on Eastern thought. Yang energy is about being assertive (which can be aggressive or even violent), pro-active, “doing”, giving (which encompasses generosity, although not always perfectly), boundaries (which can become territoriality), focus, will (which in excess can become self-centeredness), strength, etc.

Yin energy is about being receptive (which might become a doormat in excess), allowing, no agendas or plans, no boundaries, no will (perhaps to the point of wishy-washiness), quiet, gentleness, harmoniousness and “being.”

Much of the focus energetically over the last several years has been on bringing balance to the Yang/Masculine and Yin/Feminine aspects of all things...from the inner most parts of oneself to all levels of society. However, beginning in the energetics of 2012, although it wasn't obvious yet in the 3D, there has been movement to further bring balance and in 2016 we began speaking to you about further balancing these aspects in a more comprehensive way. This is the Yang/Feminine or strong Female balancing with the Yin/Masculine or the receptive Male.

This is obvious in your society at large but we ask you to notice how this is manifesting in your personal 3D life, for “As above, so below,” as in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm. This year is about very masculine energies. The element for this year is Fire and it is the year of the Rooster (a loud, territorial, and sometimes mean animal). You have witnessed the bringing of this masculine element forward in the recent elections with the fear-mongering, biases about minorities and women, and general mean-spiritedness. This seems to have given some people “permission” to further act this way, since they no longer want to live under the constraint of being “politically correct.”

In personal lives there seems to be a mirror of this, with sudden onset of hurtful or violent events that require a response from those affected—no wishing it away, no delegating, no pretending it isn't there. These are tests of the Spirit. We can either respond in kind with more meanness, violence, and intimidation, or we can recognize these events for what they are and respond as the Yin/Masculine. This gives us a chance to step into this New Paradigm in our actions, not just our thoughts and words. If we respond in kind, things go from bad to worse and we become embroiled in even more problems. If we are able to step into the New Paradigm of Yang/Feminine and Yin/Masculine, the issue seems to very quickly and more easily resolve, sometimes almost as suddenly as it arose.

Some examples that have come to my attention recently: 1) a traffic stop for speeding with a false accusation of hitting the officer with ensuing violence by the office and being taken to jail. When this person held his ground, got appropriate legal assistance and held his emotions in check, the charges and the ticket evaporated. 2) Pottying one's small dog on a leash in the front yard and being attacked by a large, off-leash neighbor dog, severely traumatizing the leashed dog and its owner and requiring surgery and extensive medical care. However with police reports, court claims and medical care, this has resolved. (This one didn't resolve so quickly, but the early likelihood of the little dog's demise resolved fairly easily considering the injuries.) 3) Being suddenly and inconveniently pressured by one's neighbor to sign off on an easement so they can close on a house sale, and standing one's ground, engaging one's own lawyer and finding they are trying to trick you into giving up the easement so that you would no longer have access to your own house. A simple polite but firm letter from the lawyer made it go away.

Any of these could have escalated with words, fists or even guns. They were all stressful, inconvenient and disruptive, but true Tests from Spirit are. When we live at the ends of the spectrum of either Yang or Yin, there is a great deal of disruption. On the Masculine end, there is control, territoriality, intimidation, and aggression; on the Feminine end there is chaos because there are no boundaries, no focus, no will or intention, and total allowing so that “anything goes.”

There are some movements afoot to give the masculine aspects of society or our personalities the “heave-ho,” as though they only are to blame for where society is today. At one point in our history long, long ago, the Feminine was in ascendance and got to the point that they didn't adequately appreciate the Masculine, and there was an uprising (which gave rise to the more recent male-dominated paradigm. We see the same thing happening in our society now, because parts of our society didn't feel adequately heard, seen and cared about. This is a huge lesson and a moment for the pendulum to swing back but potentially not to such an extreme.

For this to happen the Strong Feminine needs to forgive and embrace the helpful, positive, Yin/Masculine traits, thus bringing them into the fold. With focus, healthy boundaries, intention, a plan of action, generosity and a willingness to show up, the Receptive Male aspects can be a good partner for the Strong Female traits of tolerance, flexibility, inner stillness, creativity, and allowing.

Where in your life can you further balance the Yin and Yang, while completely honoring both sides of that equation? What can you change in your life in terms of relationships, work situations, or even self-talk so that you not only bring better balance to yourself but also to your sphere of influence? Doing this on your local level is how we make changes at the national level. This is how we make change. This is how we help All to Ascend with Grace and Ease.


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - February 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 3
February 12, 2017

Keeping Your Bearings In Chaos

Dear Ones—

We can all agree that we feel like we are in a time of great personal and societal chaos, with some days being worse and some days feelings a little bit better. This will go on for awhile, but there are many things that we learn while living in chaos.

First of all we learn that change (which is what chaos is—uncontrolled change) won't kill us. It simply feels yucky, out of control, scary, etc. but that we can survive it and actually learn to accommodate our lives to it to some degree. This brings us to the second thing we learn from it which is that actually any small change that seems easy makes the big, more complex and sometimes overwhelming changes easier. (I think about it like this: I'm already dirty from cleaning out the garage so before I take a shower, I'll tackle a bigger job like prepping my vegetable garden for the planting season by doing a small task like quickly pulling the weeds in ½ the garden.) Third, we get less triggered by change and chaos so that we can actually focus on what we need to do, which over time has the benefit of improving our concentration in all sorts of environments and situations. Fourth, once we aren't so triggered by change in general, we are more willing to look at other places where we might also need change but didn't want to think about it. (“I finished painting the bedroom and that turned out so well that maybe I should think about painting the family room once I empty all those book shelves and decide what to do with all those books.”) Finally, we start to become comfortable with discomfort, which means that we can be more Present, have less yearning, and ultimately be much more content and detached from outcomes that are driven by only feeling happy, full, rich, powerful, etc. We can relax into just Being.

However, there is one thing that I think we need to think through on the front end of this period of change. Where is the edge between letting things become chaotic enough that real and necessary change can happen, and not letting things get so out of control that we actually slip backwards as a society? This can be likened to hiking a mountain. Sometimes you go up and sometimes you go down on your way to getting to the overlook point. But if you don't pay attention, you might take a wrong turn and end up circling back to the starting point or at the bottom of the mountain on the wrong side from your car if you aren't paying attention. At least on a hike there are usually maps. When it comes to changing society, there are no maps, or the maps we have are spotty, or “not to scale.”

I'm not sure that there is a pat answer to this that works for all of us, in all situations. And I think that “edge” will change even within a single situation over time. But sometimes we must allow folks the freedom to express themselves even while we support someone who feels upset or threatened by what is being said. And conversely we need to dig deep into our well of respect while at the same time drawing a line in the sand to stop others from being seriously hurt. As a proponent of the tough-love school of child-rearing, I had to learn to let my children figure some things out on their own and not try to ease the way for them. But even when my daughter went abroad without a plan for what she would do and got herself into trouble, my job wasn't to rush over there and “save” her but to help her to reframe what happened to her once she was home so that she wouldn't be afraid to go to Europe again.

That sort of a process is easier the better we know who and what we are dealing with. We can't all know everything and everyone. But I encourage each of you to educate yourselves about the facts as well as the emotions of what is going on around you (personally and socially) and to also make more and stronger connections with other people so that you a) have a wider support network, b) have more external resources to ideas and others' ways of dealing with hard issues, and c) have greater courage to face difficult things or take the High Road when others seem bent on spirally downward. Decide for yourself now is it okay to name-call but not to shoot? Is it okay to act like fake news and alternative facts are merely wishful thinking or do they need push-back? Are you willing to stand up for what you believe to be True and Good even if it doesn't touch you directly so that there is still someone able to stand up for you should you need it at another time?

If you have thought through these questions (and many other related ones) ahead of time, then when something happens you are less likely to be caught off guard or even actually frightened and more able to act wisely and remain true to your self in the moment. That is a mark of True Mastery.


© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - January 30, 2017
Monthly Newsletter -(2nd newsletter for January)
Volume 14; Number 2
January 28, 2017

Bringing Heaven on Earth

Dear Ones—

Many of you participated in the recent marches across the country, and in fact the world, and found a new sense of belonging and empowerment. Others have joined or are in the process of joining various “action groups” that want to address one or more issues that are near and dear to your hearts...again, very empowering. Remember the phrase, “You are the One you are waiting for”? Unless you are a minor, you cannot assume that anyone besides yourself will take good care of you, and even then sometimes children can't make that assumption. Government, military, medicine, schools, media, business...these are all examples of groups that try to take care of us, and do to some extent. To the extent that their priorities are aligned with ours (whether that is individually or socially), that is fine. But the assumption that they will totally take care of us, FOR us, so that we don't have to pay attention to it is an example of giving away your power. (For more about this, see the last newsletter about response-ability.)

If we disempower ourselves, that primarily affects our 1st chakra (men's power chakra), 2nd chakra (women's power chakra), 3rd chakra (sense of Who We Really Are), 4th chakra (our relationships, particularly to ourselves), 5th chakra (ability to speak, write and act our truth) and 6th chakra (ability to see clearly and live in integrity following the guidance of our Higher Selves). It affects the 7th chakra as well, in terms of our feeling more separated from the Divine, although we aren't really separated from the Divine; it's just that we are so separated from our own selves that we can have a hard time perceiving the Divine in our lives.

In light of that, is it any wonder that we as a society have run-away issues with sexuality, fertility, digestion, diabetes, obesity, adrenal fatigue, heart disease, asthma, thyroid disease, allergies, depression, Alzheimer's, ADD/ADHD/Asperger's/Autism, addictions (to anything), and cancer (which is about what “eats away at us”) and auto-immune diseases (which are about how we sabotage ourselves)? (Follow these issues as you ascend the 7 chakra system.)

We encourage you to stop looking outside yourselves at what you perceive others are doing to you that you don't like or that hurts you. That is still self-disempowerment. Instead, get involved, join groups, DO something that aligns with your Truth. Realize that others are trying to do this too, and find common ground so that you can work together for mutually agreed upon outcomes which will truly make things better. Give back to the community either locally or globally, which is a way of making things better for the future, but also of personally expanding. You will feel more a part of community. You will have new friends. You will have a shared purpose to your lives and you will have more energy because you won't be creating leaks in your own energy field (which are always larger and hemorrhage more energy than when others attack you).

That then will trickle back through the system so that all those medical issues listed above (and probably more) will start to diminish, heal and go away...



© 2017 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - January 2017
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 14; Number 1
January 4, 2017

Are You Response - Able?
Dear Ones—

Many of us want to return to a time of peace and prosperity, which is a wonderful thing. But for most of us, the picture of that is from the 1950's, either because we actually remember it or because we remember the relative ease, optimism, kindness and gratitude that our parents felt at that time when we were young. We don't consciously think that, but if you really probe what you want to get back to, that's it. (Why do you think the music from that era is so yearned for?)

However, that era was energetically there as a rest and recovery spot in time from the extreme difficulty of WWII. The US didn't want to be involved in the world war because of that very yearning for peace and prosperity. But had Pearl Harbor not been bombed, it is doubtful that America would have entered the war until it was too late to turn the tide by standing up for Freedom, and we would now be speaking German and there would be no Jews. We were giving away our power by putting our heads in the sand and hoping that Europe would quash that negativity. We didn't want to take responsibility for our freedom because it would be hard and require some sacrifice and we knew in our heart of hearts that it “should be” effortless. But ignoring something like that is NOT how we maintain what we do want in our lives; ignoring something is how we extinguish what we do NOT want in our lives. To maintain what we DO want in our lives, we need to step into our Power and take responsibility for it.

By taking responsibility we ensure that we have response-ability. In other words, we have the ability to respond to what is happening around us and shape it to further our vision of what is Ideal as we co-create 3D reality with all the other 7 billion people on the planet. We stand in our power and vote with our money, our time, our votes, our attitudes, our actions so that we can move ever closer and closer to our Ultimate Freedom, not only in 3D society but also in our spiritual lives, for isn't that Ultimate Freedom really just moving back to a balanced experience of unity and individuality?

So the 1950's were a period of energetic rest and integration from WWII so that we would be able as a society to go through the turbulent 1960-1970's with all the social unrest and upheaval that entailed. Then we had relative ease and optimism during the time that Bill Clinton was President (whether you voted for him or not), which was so that we could rest and integrate for the next period of big societal change, which is already happening. It began with things like gay rights and better minimum wage (which realistically speaking was more pressing than equal pay for women, which can be addressed once that is ironed out). This period of massive societal change includes things like bringing complementary therapies to Western Medicine; destigmatizing divorce; and addressing racism, sizism, agism and misogyny. We're not done with that, but we are actively working on all these things and more. This will probably continue with the next presidential administration.

But isn't this what we wanted? Haven't we been praying for and intending a more caring, loving, supportive and inclusive society where ALL have the Freedom to pursue Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (which is a secular way of saying Oneness)?

So how do we get there?
  1. Do not focus on what you do NOT want...be aware of it so that you are informed and know where to respond, but do not dwell on it, complain about it, fear it, deny it, obsess about it or surrender to it.
  2. Take up your Power and Response-Ability and get involved where you can, whether that is running for office, voting, going to meetings that support your priorities (like environment, equality, hunger, financial freedom, food quality, etc.), AS WELL AS donating your time, prayers and money.
  3. Take good care of yourself so that you are able to do be involved in “the good fight.” That means not only the usual food, rest, recreation, etc. but also being proactive in how you choose your friends, what you allow yourself to listen to (music, entertainment, talking heads, or even how your friends are talking), and how you spend your time.
  4. Actively assess yourself for where the balance is in your life between your 3D material life and your internal spiritual life. Is your spiritual life weak because you are too focused on your material life and not spending time in activities that uplift and calm your spirit and give you more access and insight into your Self and the Divine? Or is your material life weak because it is more pleasant to spend all your time pursuing the Divine, at the expense of ignoring the needs of those around you, putting your head in the sand regarding what is happening around you, or not fully engaging in the work of creating what you DO want in the 3D world with your time, talent and resources.

Once you have done this last step, your efforts in items 1-3 will be much much more rewarding. Don't shy away from it! Don't pull the wool over your own eyes! Don't look away! Instead, dig deep. Look for support and offer support to other like-minded folks. Resolve that we will never go back to the 1950's, because in many ways it wasn't serving us either. We ARE getting closer and closer to what we DO want, and we need to keep applying ourselves, using our Power humbly and fully to respond to the co-creative process we are engaged in.