Karlta Zarley: Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

210 Little Lake Drive, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Storm clouds in Sedona

Boundaries Workshop

By Karlta Zarley, RN, CHTP

Are you very sensitive? Do you take on others' emotions or issues? Would you describe yourself as a sponge? Do you feel like others take advantage of you? Is your life out of control? Are you pulled in so many directions that you aren't very effective? Does there seem to be a lot of drama in your life that you would rather not be a part of? Or perhaps you are concerned about energy vampirism? Boundary issues come up several times a day, and we usually don’t think about it or even know it’s a problem.

In the morning, we will discuss different types of boundaries and examples of each, how to identify them in your life, how to put boundaries in place, move them, and how to keep them there.

In the afternoon, we will discuss energetic boundaries and individual issues. We will be working on good “boundary hygiene” of all types through group discussion

There will be a lunch break between sessions. There is an enormous amount of information, so I suggest that you bring your own lunch and then we can get back to work right away.

Fee: payable by check or MasterCard or Visa
Registration Deadline:

Registration and Questions: