Karlta Zarley: Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

210 Little Lake Drive, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Storm clouds in Sedona


Karlta invites you to read the testimonials here and throughout her website and to share yours by filling in the form below and clicking on the submit button. Or send your email to karlta@karltazarley.com with Testimonial in the subject line.

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Karlta Zarley
I have been privileged to have Karlta accompany me on my journey of self-discovery. I am so grateful for her patience and strength as she guided and nurtured me through my fears and resistance. It is through her tutelage and compassionate guidance that I have found the courage to learn, and BE, Who I Really Am. I look forward to seeing what comes up next.
J. (N) L
Karlta is one of the most sincere, loving, energy workers I know. She brings an open heart, high integrity and clear insight to all of her work. I highly recommend her.
Have you ever wondered why it appears that the whole system of life set up to invite suffering? Based on esoteric and wisdom resources, this may be a process in order for there to be a breakthrough and an eventual spiritual awakening. The weird part is that you may have signed up for this contract before coming into this life. It’s the contract of the bodhisattva.  
The path of Bodhisattva implies that it is not enough to study suffering. For it is next to impossible to help someone in a state of suffering if you yourself have not experienced it. The soul lesson behind the suffering is recorded somatically. And even though there may not be words to describe it, people can sense when they are in the presence of someone who has “been though it, know the way, go the way and show the way”.  
Karlta Zarley is such a person. Karlta gets it at the soul level. When everyone else has failed to.  
People do not necessarily need to know Karlta, but they will somehow know intuitively that she had experienced it. Karlta is a huge experiential resource to heal at a very deep and profound level.  
The path of the Bodhisattva is a path of divine healing for all those on earth who are suffering. It needn’t be strange, or weird, or somehow woo woo. Suffering is suffering regardless of background, gender, politics, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack thereof. Suffering is universal. And the pain is real.  
Bodhisattva is a path of healer, mystic, light worker, energy medicine, and divine intuition. Karlta is an awakened Bodhisattva (my words, not hers, as she is so darn humble about things). 
Karlta is very skilled at what she does. And I am grateful to have her in my corner. And this at a time when no one else really got it. Karlta did.  
If you have Karlta in your corner, you’re in the best hands. She gets it, and also has your back. Compassionate, brilliant, awakened, insightful, spiritually squeaky clean and experientially vast. 
Frédérick R.
Karlta can help you by walking with you along your Path, witnessing your struggles, supporting you in trials, facilitating your growth and celebrating your triumphs. Spiritual Direction can help you make your day-to-day life more rich and meaningful by giving you tools to handle your experiences from a higher perspective, validating your experience, and offering other perspectives as you deal with relationship, physical or emotional issues. This allows you to address the important questions like, “Who Am I?”, “Who do I want to be?”, “Am I living consistently in my thoughts and deeds?”, or “Am I creating what I really want?”“I highly recommend Karlta Zarley as facilitator for your spiritual / psychological healing journey. She is intuitive and insightful. Her energy work appears to be directed from a very wise source. It results in transformation: emotional, energetic, and psychological. Karlta is a gifted listener, channeler and guide.
I was going through a very rough time and having difficulty moving on. A friend recommended that I go see someone for assistance. I was lucky enough to find Karlta and upon our first meeting was truly amazed with her insight and her way of explaining things. I truly love listening to her talk. Not only does she provide Healing Touch, but for me it was the spiritual guidance that set me on a new path.