Karlta Zarley: Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

210 Little Lake Drive, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Storm clouds in Sedona

Contacting Your Spirit Guides

By Karlta Zarley, RN, CHTP

Do you feel like your ability to communicate with your Spirit Guides is inconsistent? Do you wonder if it is just your own voice you hear rather than your Guide's? Do you trust it enough to act on it? Does it seem like sometimes when you have trusted it, it wasn't accurate after all?

We all are born with an ability to communicate with our Spirit Guides, but many of us don't know how to consistently build our ability to clearly and consistently gain intuitive information.

This class helps you to figure out how to do that by teaching skills, providing time to practice, and giving feedback in the process. Please bring a notebook and wear comfortable clothing.

Time: 9am - noon
Fee: payable by check or MasterCard or Visa
Registration Deadline: