Karlta Zarley: Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

210 Little Lake Drive, Suite 7
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Storm clouds in Sedona


Karlta writes a free intuitive newsletter each month discussing energetic, vibrational, and spiritual shifts in us, our planet, and the universe, and gives assistance on how to navigate these changes while being centered in our current reality.

Karlta Zarley - December Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 12
December 9, 2021


Dear Ones—

Over the summer, there was a period of time when most of the planets were retrograde (from the point of view of Earth), which means that forward movement in our day-to-day lives was affected across the board. We either had no idea what was going on or we had glimpses but had a difficult time actually moving forward on anything. By late fall, all planets had resumed their usual forward or “direct” motion so that forward movement was easier.

Please remember that trends first appear in the energetic realm and eventually that translates into the physical realm. (I call that trickle in energetics.) Because we are at a pivotal time now, it is like there is a bottleneck of energies trying to get through. The more we can stay focused on what we do want and ignore what we don't want; the more we can let go of resistance and fear and overwhelm, the easier it is/will be to jostle our way through that bottlenecked energy in the open freedom and momentum of creation. To do that, we really have to examine where each of us are assuming that we “get back to normal” with the pandemic and all its effects, or are assuming that what we want will just magically happen without our choices, input, and then physical and intentional work towards the changes we want to see in the world. Where there are assumptions (or worse yet we aren't thinking about this at all), we tend to hold a vision of what was, rather than what we want. It is these assumptions and autopilot settings that cause the bottleneck to the energy.

Look at what you want. Are you tired of financial slavery in the form of usury? Have you had enough of employers treating you or your loved-ones as though they are commodities rather than talented people that the employers depend on to carry out their productions and services? Whatever your great idea for the future is, stay focused on it while you also remember that you don't have to know HOW to make it happen to Know that it CAN happen.

As that creative force moves through the bottleneck, things speed up not only in terms of possibility and change but in terms of the human tendency to resist change and be afraid of “other.” That is when things go awry...health issues come up, we can have losses of jobs, relationships, financial issues, etc.

As humans we see these things and think “Things are going the wrong direction” because we don't see what we want but we are also afraid of making the changes needed to get what we want. Instead, try to remember that when things are hard, it is actually proof that things are changing, and whatever the situation is right now, it isn't permanent and can eventually get to a better place if we can consistently keep the forward momentum.

Pretend you are in an innertube going down a river on a hot summer day. The river is the flow of change, the water is energy, the river banks are time. I urge you to see yourself putting on your life-jacket and taking a big breath and then let go of the roots on the riverbank and PICK UP YOUR FEET. As you fly down the river, you notice that it is easier because the pull of the water isn't fighting against the strength it takes to hang onto the roots (staying in the old world place).

To pick up your feet, I urge you to stay out of fear and judgment; seek the help of others and help others in return; stay focused on your goals and do what comes up right in front of you to work on; and take really good care of yourself—plenty of sleep, healthful food, rest your spirit and have some form of daily spiritual practice that calls to you...

HERE We goooooo...


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - November Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 11
November 3, 2021


Dear Ones—

Over the last month we finished with having six planets in retrograde, which sets up a push me-pull you situation. Then we had our Autumn Equinox which ushered in a major choice point in focusing on what we really do want with integrity and then moving forward towards that. That made things feel a little easier towards the end of October.

Now that we are in November, we are speeding up going forwards again. This makes things feel easier in some ways because we aren't always having to wait or go back and re-do something that got hung up. However, in terms of how it feels, it may feel more stressful, particularly if you don't like change.

  • So how can we up the ante on taking care of ourselves when things are moving so fast and changing in so many arenas? Say “no” to things that don't set your heart to singing unless there is a legitimate duty there that you need to do, like child or elder care, paying your bills, etc.
  • Schedule into your calendar more transition time between events so that when you start to feel rushed (and you will!), you have some time to compensate and catch up a bit or rest a bit as the day goes along.
  • Make sure you move! In SE Michigan it is often overcast, rainy and just gray. Even if the weather isn't sunny and beautiful, getting outside even for a short walk helps. The full spectrum light waves come through the clouds even if it looks gray. (That's part of why you can get sunburned when it's overcast.) Those frequencies lighten your mood even if you are not depressed or have Seasonal Affective Disorder.
  • Get plenty of rest and do your best to sleep between 10 pm and 2 am since that is when your body rests and resets on a very deep level no matter when you are working or how many total hours of sleep you get. If you aren't asleep then, your stress hormone cortisol goes up; and when you do that night after night, it never has a chance to go down or reset and it messes up your blood pressure, fatigues your immune system, etc.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Treat your Spirit as the most important part of Who You Are. Have some daily practice, even if it is only for 5 mins. As humans we tend to give up on this first when we are stressed, overwhelmed, tired, etc. and it is more important than breathing. I know I sound like a broken record on this...there is a reason for that! We are not people with a spirit, we are Pure Essence having a physical experience. As such, we MUST take care of our spirits first and foremost, and the rest of our health (physical, emotional, relational, societal) will all follow. It doesn't matter what you do to tend and nurture your Spirit. It matters that you do it!!!

When you do that, then everything else is easier. You have more resilience and feel less traumatized, overwhelmed and burned out. You can have easier and clearer access to your own Inner Wisdom. Change is much easier because you can think clearly. You have more joy and less anger and fear. And because of all of this, your physical and mental health is much better and can more easily improve.

I urge you to make the commitment to do this at whatever level you can, but to do it consistently. When you do, you can “up the ante.” You can bring your “A game.” You lay the foundation to be able to be happier in your personal life and take your public mission to the next level.

I know you can do this! Take my hand. Now jump with me into that New Way!


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - September Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 10
September 10, 2021

Dear Ones,

I have been thinking about how 20 years ago, the United States was attacked on our own soil, and not in some little island group 3500 miles to our west (not to minimize sweet little Hawaii) but more at the heart of our country, literally (in the contiguous 48 states) and figuratively (the nation's capital and NYC). Since then, we have worked mightily to overcome that horror, fear and trauma and have made great strides. But in our effort to not let others “cow” us, we instead stopped short of completing the processing and handling of our own fears and traumas, and instead turned them upon ourselves with fear-mongering, increasingly sharp political divisions and untempered behaviors. Then just as we were given an opportunity to pull together again by the pandemic, we are now starting to break apart once more over how to manage the pandemic and the resulting economic nightmare for many of us.

This long-term trauma has affected us all. Many of us are seeing more and more people around us (family, friends and/or clients) who are struggling with anxiety, fear and overwhelm, even in those who never contended with these things in the past. As I looked closer though, I began to notice that for many, many of us, we are not so much anxious (although we might be), but that it was coming out “sideways” in behaviors that are atypical for us. This might look like strong judgment from those who are usually compassionate, grouchiness in those who are kind, or even the unwillingness to temper our harsh responses to others where once we were willing to lay aside irritation for unconditional love. NONE OF US is immune to this influence (although some of us may be falling prey to this more than others). I am sorry to say I have seen this in myself as well. I urge you to take a moment to think about your own behavior recently and be honest with yourself about where you may see this...

Now, my vision of the world is that we are standing inside the weave of the Tapestry of Life, and where two threads cross each other, I call those “nodes.” Many of us hold our Node as steady as we can, so that as the Winds of Change blow through the fabric of this Tapestry of Life, the reverberations are held to a minimum and we ALL can stay as connected, happy and healthy as we can. When one of us “goes offline” with illness, grief, exhaustion, overwhelm, injury, etc., it is in ALL of our best interests to assist them so that they can get back to holding their Node as steady as possible. Part of this is because we love each other; but part of this is also because when the nearby Node is “flapping in the wind” it is harder for us to hold our own Node. This isn't selfishness. This is how we as a group work best when we see that we are already One, even when many others on the Tapestry can't see or feel that yet.

I also was taught years ago by my Spirit Guides that when those who are intuitive are shown something that might be scary or intimidating, it isn't to scare us. It is because we have the power to change that potentiality. In that spirit, I encourage all of us, myself included, to be aware of this (right now) growing tendency in ourselves and to hold ourselves accountable in our intentions, thoughts, emotions, desires, attitudes, expectations, words and actions so that we can stay as strong on our Nodes as possible, as the Winds of Change continue their ebb and flow of moving us all forward towards a full realization of Oneness.

This is why we are here...for this very moment. We wouldn't be here if we weren't ready and able to do this. If you find that you are tired, overwhelmed, anxious, etc. yourself, it doesn't mean you “can't do this.” It is an indication that you need MORE self-care. And remember that self-care here goes far beyond the eating right, exercising and getting rest part. To be able to take our Work in the World to the next level, we need to first take our self-care to the next level! This kind of self-care is the tending of the body and the spirit through things like a daily spiritual practice; body work (like massage or supplements); energy work (like Reiki or Healing Touch); looking at your own physical, emotional and spiritual issues; participating in ritual or spiritual pursuits; saying “no” appropriately; and taking the time to totally unplug from electronics and other devices.

You can do this! WE can do this!

Karlta Zarley - August Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 9
August 18, 2021


Dear Ones—

Some time ago I had a relatively minor health crisis that taught me about reverberations in the field, which then Spirit went on to teach me more about. When we have things happen to us that catch us off-guard or are unpleasant, that can set up reverberations in our field. If enough time goes by without it being further inflamed or if we are sufficiently unstressed, those reverberations die down and we revert back to “normal.” However if something else happens on top of the reverberations (reverb), they will get bigger and harder to settle.

Think of it like this: if you are sitting in a kiddie pool and slapping the top of the water with your palms, it sets up waves that will start to jump out of the pool. (The slapping is setting up the reverb.) If you lift your hands out of the water and sit still, the waves will settle back eventually. Now let's say that you have lifted your hands but before the waves settle to Still, there is a little earthquake in your area. The energy of the earth moving adds more energy to the waves in the kiddie pool and they get much bigger than if the water was at Still before the earthquake started.

Now imagine that you have waves in your pool and rather than waiting with your hands out of the water for it to Still, you lightly place your palms on the surface of the water and hold really still. The waves will die down faster than if you just sat there with your hands out of the water. And imagine further that if I was standing outside the pool next to you and laid my palms on the surface of the water with you, it would calm the reverberations even faster.

We live in stressing times, even before the pandemic. Then add all the changes that came with the pandemic (“good” or “bad” changes, because for humans, change itself is stressful). We've got quite a reverb going on! Just as one thing normalizes now (being able to meet family and friends in more safety), other things come along (like that earthquake) and ratchet up the reverb even more. Many of us are so “reverbed out” that we can't sleep, are tired, feel yucky more of the time, are cranky, irritable, anxious, and less resilient than we have ever felt. How can we address this?

First of all, do what you can to stop adding in reverberations. If the news upsets you, don't listen to it any more than you have to. If certain people upset you, avoid them. Refrain from watching TV or other media that adds to your trauma load, even if it seems negligible. Maybe that horror movie, while thrilling interesting, is just too much more and is acting like “the straw that broke the camel's back.” That commitment you made to something that you loathe needs to be released unless there is a reasonable need to keep it (like raising your children or caring for aging parents). Stop stirring up drama or being around others who do because it makes you feel alive. This is like stopping slapping the surface of the water.

Next, find ways to self-soothe AND PUT THEM IN YOUR SCHEDULE!!! If you have no daily spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, communing with nature, singing, dancing, journaling, reading uplifting texts, listening to music, etc.) DO IT!! (If you have read these newsletters for any length of time at all, you know how I feel about this one!) If you've been staying up too late at night, start to go to bed earlier so you get more sleep. Take a break from screens of all sorts, etc. This is like sitting still with your hands lightly on the surface of the water.

To get the effect of having someone put their hands on the surface of the water too, resume or start getting better self-care. This might be monthly massages or energy work, setting up standing monthly times to talk to a particular friend or have lunch even if things seem to be going pretty well. Spend time with the people in your life that are supportive and helpful and See Who You Really Are. This is like my adding my hands to the surface of your kiddie pool water.

Only you can do this: stop adding to the problem, step up your efforts to self-soothe, get help from others anywhere you can without unduly adding to the problem. If you come to me to get help calming down the reverberation, and then immediately go back to your “normal” way of living your life without doing these other things, it is the same as throwing your money down the garbage disposal! It is consistent control over your own life to the extent that you can that changes this picture. This is part of what we all need to learn to have self-mastery!


ps—Sorry I didn't write a newsletter last month! My children were finally able to come home after being away far too long, and immediately upon their leaving we remodeled our kitchen (as well as trying to work) so there just wasn't time. Thanks for understanding and hope that your lives are moving forward in ways that will be helpful to you in the long run!

© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - June Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 8
June 21, 2021


Dear Ones—

I have been hearing disturbing reports from real-live people (friends, family, and clients all over the country) about further layers of separation that are setting up to continue hurting us and hold us back. Reports of people who don't believe in vaccinations at all are yelling, name-calling, shaming and pressuring people who want to be vaccinated or those who have been vaccinated about their decision to vaccinate; and other reports of people who believe in vaccination doing the very same yelling, name-calling, shaming and pressuring folks who either don't believe in vaccination, or who have legitimate health reasons not to vaccinate for not being vaccinated.

First of all, let me say to ALL of you, no matter if you don't believe in vaccination, want to wait to see how things go, can't be vaccinated for health reasons, or have been getting (or trying to get) vaccinated, this is unfortunate proof that over the pandemic time we didn't really take in the lesson that we are all in this together. It is proof that we are still living in fear. It is proof that we have little respect for ourselves, which translates into respect for others so that some of us are treating others this way.

No matter where you fall on this question, I urge you to remember that you have your beliefs (which translate into words and actions) just as strongly as others who believe the opposite. And just like you don't want others deciding for you (in other words, taking away your Free Will choice) what you “should” do, all others in society have that very same right as well. There is no “black and white” in a society that is trying to evolve to embracing Unity AND Individuality!

Please remember that we are not done with this pandemic yet. There are new variants coming along all the time. There are unresolved issues that divide us (about the pandemic and everything else as well). Even if we can get out more and wear masks less, that is NOT the sign that we have “moved on” or “made it.” We need to really learn: we ARE in this together because we live on the same planet, and as of now we can't live elsewhere. We don't have to agree on everything, we only have to be willing to trust that with all those beliefs we can still be respectful and kind to each other. (That is the true definition of “freedom”: to be able to believe and think and do without impinging on others' right to the very same thing.) We can agree to disagree. We can suspend judgment of self and others and move towards compassion. We may not remember how to do this, but that doesn't mean that we can't try to get back to that place with our intention!

If there is anything I have learned over the years it is this: there are so many dimensions all lined up next to each other in the middle of our socially-agreed-upon 3D dimension, that this absolutely CAN work, even if we don't know HOW it will work. Let's get a grip on our fears, our vulnerabilities AND on our priorities and move back towards Trust that all of this can somehow come together for the greater good of everyone, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME honoring each individual's own priorities, needs and their sense of agency with compassion and unconditional love. That is the lesson here...not whether we are right or wrong, or better or worse than others. We ARE all One and we won't “lose ourselves” if we can be brave enough to take a tiny baby-step towards remembering and living in that Oneness.


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - May Newsletter #2
Volume 18; Number 7
May 18, 2021


Dear Ones—

Covid has shown us many things that we didn't fully see or appreciate before: how over-scheduled we were, different ways to do business, that we really are all in this together, to name just a few. Now we stand on the cusp of another change. We are getting the message that those who are vaccinated can go without masks.

For those who have been vaccinated or are to trying to be, and for those who have willingly worn masks, it feels like a reprieve, but it also makes us wonder if those who are unvaccinated will “abide by the rules.” For those who think the virus is made up and that very grudgingly have worn masks, it feels like freedom from something that is unnecessary. There is still a lot of mistrust between these two groups. Those who willingly wear masks wonder if they can trust others and often try to pressure those who don't want to be (or who can't be) vaccinated to get vaccinated. Those who think masks are unnecessary wonder if they can trust others to not pressure them to be vaccinated or to limit their participation in society (travel, entertainment, etc.) in other more draconian ways.

Over time we have, as a society, become more sensitive to the needs and issues of some large groups through the “Me Too” movement, “Black Lives Matter”, Ageism, Gender identity and sexuality...all groups that were vulnerable in various ways. I would urge us to continue to be more and more sensitive to other, smaller groups of similarly vulnerable but perhaps less visible issues—those that can't be vaccinated because of allergies to vaccine components or with health conditions that make it dangerous to be vaccinated; those who not only have a hard life but have more of a hard life than the “usual Joe or Joan.” I'm talking about people that seem to live under a black cloud—those for whom over a long period of time it seems “if it can go wrong, it does go wrong.” These are folks with multiple, multiple health issues that force them to not be able to work and that spend most of their waking time trying to figure out what is wrong and then get better. Folks that are allergic to everything and can truly only eat 6 foods. Folks that are so alone in the world that they have only one support person (if that, and that person might be a paid professional) and have no physical or emotional safety-net anywhere. They are out there in smaller numbers than the other groups listed above, but they are out there. They are no less vulnerable and deserving of our thoughtfulness and kindness than any other group, but we tend to not see them because there aren't as many of them or because they simply do not have the resources to get out of their homes.

For that matter, if we are looking at smaller groups, let's look at individuals! We ALL have been traumatized directly or indirectly in some way from the pandemic and the fallout from it in society as a whole. I challenge each of us to look at our lives for where we have been traumatized and find new ways to be sensitive to that on others' behalf and exercise compassion, patience and kindness towards ourselves and towards others...all the time...every day.

We ARE in this together! This is how we get out of this, by being kinder and more compassionate towards ourselves, we become that very thing in the world around us.


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - May Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 6
May 3, 2021


Dear Ones—

For a long time, society in general but particularly in the U.S. has not wanted to look at the really hard things in life. Think about this...we've had a “silent majority” for quite awhile, as a society we have approached things from the point of view that “if it ain't broke, don't fix it”. Or we moan and cry about how messed up things are but we don't have the societal will to work together (key) and face the issues and actually try new things. (I guess it isn't surprising that there is so much dementia in our society when the theme is “don't address it.”)

The last year of pandemic has pushed us all to see places in our lives where that way of functioning isn't working for us. It has made us more aware of some things and has reinforced a few changes that got started before the pandemic (the “me too” movement, gay rights, gun laws, and the early parts of “black lives matter”).

We have made some changes along this last year so that we could have some semblance of ongoing business interactions and personal interactions and we have changed priorities. But now we are on the cusp (we're not there yet) of having to decide which changes actually work better, what else we really can't keep ignoring or pretending it will go away, etc. We have to have the hard discussions in our small groups but also in our whole society about what it means to have every single member of society valued, the role of helping those who need help without further weakening them with learned helplessness, the cost to society to make changes and whether we can be patient long enough to see the benefit of that investment in terms of decades rather than months.

We are tired from the rigors of the pandemic and we “just want things to go back to normal.” But do we really truly want all that dysfunction, hurt, and dis-ease in our society??? When we are tired we just want to rest. But now society is at a point where we can no longer look the other way. We can no longer let others carry burdens that should have been carried by all of us together. We must all have input into solving the complicated and intertwined societal issues that still plague us...financial slavery, biases against all in some form or other, and the Kindness Desert we find ourselves in.


This is true for us as individuals and for us as a society, not only in the US but as a world-wide community. I urge you to look at your life and dig deeper in those areas where you know the status quo just isn't good enough and trust in the hope that by letting go of resistance and putting in the effort we can and will make things better, more generous and more loving.

We can only do this together, upholding each other when we have nothing left to give and standing strong when we have had a moment of rest. We need all of our ideas, all of our handiwork, all of our intention and buy-in. But we CAN do this!!!


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - March Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 5
March 23, 2021


Dear Ones—

As I watch more and more people getting vaccinated, and more and more people speaking up about their concerns about vaccination, it occurs to me to put a caution out to society.

We have spent a year apart from each other, sometimes in blissful ways, but also more often in very lonely, aching, and sometimes scary ways. As we make our tentative steps back to connecting with each other, let's NOT make having or not having a vaccine yet another way to reinforce our separation. Let's find new ways to honor each others' point of view and decisions for their own best care, even if we don't agree or are frightened what that might mean for “herd immunity.”

And most importantly, let's find new ways to connect with each other, to stay connected to each other and to love each other no matter what. Let us not revert to old patterns so quickly that we haven't a chance to establish what we've learned during this time as new, kinder, more loving patterns of living can emerge!


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - February Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 4
February 12, 2021


Dear Ones—

We are starting to have a glimpse of getting back to more normalcy in our lives as more people are vaccinated or survive being sick. The more we think through this carefully rather than just throw out nonspecifics, the easier this process will be. Non-specifics are a good place to start (e.g.: “Live in Harmony”), but they don't address the issues and “why's and how's” of getting there. My ideas won't be the same as your ideas, and we need ALL of our ideas to make this shift rapidly and gracefully. We need to be able to talk about this; and EVERY ONE OF US needs to be prepared to compromise in order to move closer to what we want more of even in incremental steps. (And please remember that compromise doesn't refer to the giving up of something we don't care about. It is the giving up of one thing we want in order to secure something bigger that we want more.)

Let's start to envision how we can make long-term meaningful change to our lives as we start to emerge from the gift of “coronavirus stillness.” You don't have to agree with me! And I urge you to start thinking about your ideas and sharing them with others!

If we assume that half of our workforce needs to work on site all the time, then let's also assume that the other half could work from home half the time. This means that they start to share office space. They save on things like eating out for lunch, parking, fuel costs, babysitting, and commute time. The buildings where they work don't need to be as big so there are saved costs in physical plant items like insurance, heating and cooling, maintenance, etc. Business overhead goes down in meaningful ways. Goods and services can start to cost less to consumers. Salary costs can go down, some of which can be used to improve benefits, but much of which can equalize the playing field in terms of socioeconomic classes and paying for things like education and healthcare.

Temporarily there would be glut on commercial real estate, but that could be sold or rented for lower cost to small businesses or remodeled and used for lower cost apartments and condos in city centers where housing costs are enormous. Other areas can be used for outpatient clinics and doctors offices so that preventative health care is easier to access. Still other areas can be used for housing for battered women and children, homeless people, people in rehab, mental illness group living, retirement living and nursing homes, etc. As housing and fuel expenses go down, workers can get further ahead with less income so the standard of living can go up and people can have more disposable income to use for fun. College education costs could go down in meaningful ways because people would be learning online. School debt would be lower and not such a driver of financial slavery for so many.

There would be segments of business and society that would go away or be “losers” but there would be new segments that would open up. Everyone would need to change something, but we have all been making changes already...a few more might make us ALL much happier, safer, healthier, and content. We'd have more time for the people we are closest to, more time to do things we really like such as hobbies, rather than trying to “keep up with the Joneses” or interacting with the world in ways that are too much. We can work hard using interfaces such as phones, Zoom and computers, but have more time to go outside and play, meet up with friends and play, do our creative projects like gardening or art (and did I mention play??). That would offset sitting in front of devices. We might even learn to work for 3 hrs in the morning, have 2 hours off to eat lunch, exercise, meet with friends, run errands, interact with our families, etc. and then go back to work for 3-4 more hours. Those who work from home have found that even though there is more to juggle, they get more done, they are more present, and have closer relationships with those they live with. When they are happier and more fulfilled, there is less discontent, envy and negativity in general. They can get along better with others...you get the picture.

I urge you to think through what you want to see and what the natural outcomes and shifts and accommodations could be to make it happen. Write it down (which makes it more likely to happen than just thinking about it). Share your ideas with other people.

The is the work that we are here to do. It won't necessarily be easy, but it could be very fun, very positive and extremely rewarding for everyone.


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - February Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 4
February 12, 2021


Dear Ones—

We are starting to have a glimpse of getting back to more normalcy in our lives as more people are vaccinated or survive being sick. The more we think through this carefully rather than just throw out nonspecifics, the easier this process will be. Non-specifics are a good place to start (e.g.: “Live in Harmony”), but they don't address the issues and “why's and how's” of getting there. My ideas won't be the same as your ideas, and we need ALL of our ideas to make this shift rapidly and gracefully. We need to be able to talk about this; and EVERY ONE OF US needs to be prepared to compromise in order to move closer to what we want more of even in incremental steps. (And please remember that compromise doesn't refer to the giving up of something we don't care about. It is the giving up of one thing we want in order to secure something bigger that we want more.)

Let's start to envision how we can make long-term meaningful change to our lives as we start to emerge from the gift of “coronavirus stillness.” You don't have to agree with me! And I urge you to start thinking about your ideas and sharing them with others!

If we assume that half of our workforce needs to work on site all the time, then let's also assume that the other half could work from home half the time. This means that they start to share office space. They save on things like eating out for lunch, parking, fuel costs, babysitting, and commute time. The buildings where they work don't need to be as big so there are saved costs in physical plant items like insurance, heating and cooling, maintenance, etc. Business overhead goes down in meaningful ways. Goods and services can start to cost less to consumers. Salary costs can go down, some of which can be used to improve benefits, but much of which can equalize the playing field in terms of socioeconomic classes and paying for things like education and healthcare.

Temporarily there would be glut on commercial real estate, but that could be sold or rented for lower cost to small businesses or remodeled and used for lower cost apartments and condos in city centers where housing costs are enormous. Other areas can be used for outpatient clinics and doctors offices so that preventative health care is easier to access. Still other areas can be used for housing for battered women and children, homeless people, people in rehab, mental illness group living, retirement living and nursing homes, etc. As housing and fuel expenses go down, workers can get further ahead with less income so the standard of living can go up and people can have more disposable income to use for fun. College education costs could go down in meaningful ways because people would be learning online. School debt would be lower and not such a driver of financial slavery for so many.

There would be segments of business and society that would go away or be “losers” but there would be new segments that would open up. Everyone would need to change something, but we have all been making changes already...a few more might make us ALL much happier, safer, healthier, and content. We'd have more time for the people we are closest to, more time to do things we really like such as hobbies, rather than trying to “keep up with the Joneses” or interacting with the world in ways that are too much. We can work hard using interfaces such as phones, Zoom and computers, but have more time to go outside and play, meet up with friends and play, do our creative projects like gardening or art (and did I mention play??). That would offset sitting in front of devices. We might even learn to work for 3 hrs in the morning, have 2 hours off to eat lunch, exercise, meet with friends, run errands, interact with our families, etc. and then go back to work for 3-4 more hours. Those who work from home have found that even though there is more to juggle, they get more done, they are more present, and have closer relationships with those they live with. When they are happier and more fulfilled, there is less discontent, envy and negativity in general. They can get along better with others...you get the picture.

I urge you to think through what you want to see and what the natural outcomes and shifts and accommodations could be to make it happen. Write it down (which makes it more likely to happen than just thinking about it). Share your ideas with other people.

The is the work that we are here to do. It won't necessarily be easy, but it could be very fun, very positive and extremely rewarding for everyone.


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - January Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 3
January 19, 2021


Dear Ones—

Around the time of the Winter Solstice I looked forward to the energies of 2021 to see where we are heading. I told you it would be a better year, which it will be. It will NOT feel or look better to begin with, but things will start to ease more by April. And the “better” will NOT be in terms of what has come before in our lives (going back several hundred years to about 2012) but in terms of where we want to be heading in the future in terms of personal and societal clarity, trust, respect, unconditional love, compassion, openness, consideration of all others AS WELL AS ourselves, and abundance of all kinds (time, friends, robust health, meaningful work, engaging education, respect, kindness, financial freedom, patience, equanimity, hope, forgiveness, mercy, grace, joy, etc.).

I also want you to remember (before we start the body of this newsletter) that astrology tells us of the possibilities available to us. The more unconsciously we operate in the 3D, the more astrology can control our thoughts, words and actions. However, the more aware we are, and the more open we try to be to what it is foreshadowing, the more we have the capacity to use those cosmic forces for the betterment of ourselves and our world, and the more we control those forces (within certain limits depending on our capacities and alignment).

This coming week is one of the most pivotal yet in terms of potentials and choices versus default actions. There is a huge amount going on across the board inside of each of us and outside of us in our society and in our world. This is particularly “in our faces” here in the US. (See last week's newsletter to refresh your memory.) This is a time when Light and Shadow will be in high relief.

As we see what is foreshadowed that is dark, we gain insight into how to hold our individual energetic signatures to offset or balance that darkness. As we see what is light, we can more fully take advantage of it through intention to support ourselves personally and what we are trying to create as individuals and a worldwide society.

Today (1/18/21) there is a short time of building tension and difficulty balanced by the boldness and courage to make change. It will increasingly feel urgent, aggressive, even boiling over into possible violence as we move towards tomorrow and beyond. During today and tomorrow I urge you to stay grounded and embodied. This is an opportunity to break through very old paradigms and make deep, positive and lasting change if we bring patience and finesse to this time. We don't have to know HOW to do this in order to remember that we CAN do this. Visualize what you want for the world (which includes you) in all levels of existence—physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic. Set your intention to be one of the ones to love this vision into the 3D world, and be compassionate and easy on yourself. What is begun here will further unfold over the next few weeks, months and years. In the next few weeks, there will be energetic demands for new structures to hold these intentions and budding manifestations which will allow them to move forward sustainably.

On Tuesday (1/19/21) avoid darkness, power struggles, drama and intensity. Diffuse these things where they touch you. Change the subject if necessary; spread kindness and respect. Know that this is a time when too much tumultuous emotion means real communication can't happen, but by forestalling it, we can look at these issues later when things have calmed a little and we can all see more clearly.

Wednesday (1/20/21) is a day of crisis in action. Things will not go as planned. There will be fireworks—not the kind that celebrate something, but the kind that can trigger us and set off explosions. It will feel very serious and heavy, and over the course of the day (towards night and midnight) we will want the tension to release. This may not be done gracefully, either individually or in society. I urge you this day to observe what is going on and respond rather than react. Set up your energy in the morning, and as needed throughout the day, to be calm and steady. Allow the various potentials available (both positive and negative) to sit in limbo without putting your judgment or fear on them which will only inflame them. Just watch them.

Thursday 1/21/21) the moon moves into Taurus which will start to stabilize and ground things. There will still be a lot of masculine, aggressive energy, but we can start to use it to motivate change as we start to do only what's most needed. In the evening things will be calmer and it will be a time to integrate and connect back to our feminine aspects, souls, beauty, and enjoyment as way to balance all the aggressive masculine energy.

Friday (1/22/21) there will still be a lot of proactive aggressive energy, but here we can begin the communication needed. There may still be arguments so remember to use tact, do not take anything personally and stay in flow with where Spirit leads you. By evening things are quieter still, and there is a chance to cool off and bring in a breath of fresh air and grace to everything around us.

Over the weekend and into Monday (1/23-25/21) we will have a chance to connect to the spirit/soul realm and to beauty. Here we can consciously access Grace, faith, and the Divine Feminine. We can rest, make a plan for how to handle the next few days and commit to that plan. We can dream and regain respect, kindness and compassion (if they were lost) and visualize them into the future in our thoughts, intentions, words and actions. This is a time to rest before things ramp up again next week, so get the things done that can't wait or are too hard when we are being buffeted by cosmic change.

For years we have all been developing the skill-set needed to do these very things. Some of us feel more adept than others depending on how much practice we've put in or how distracted we have been. But we ALL have the capacity to do our own small parts in this holding and balancing difficult energies and synergizing favorable energies. Remember that! Act on it! You ARE the agent of change you have been waiting for!


Resources for support for you and the world this week:

© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

Karlta Zarley - January Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 2
January 22, 2021


Dear Ones—

So many people are asking me what I think about Covid-19 vaccinations that I am writing it down here. Vaccinations in general and Covid vaccinations in particular have complex issues. Let's start with this: Every single decision, choice, action and situation you make has both positive and negative components. What might not be a negative to you can still be a negative to someone else. And what might be positive to someone else, might not be a positive for you. Vaccinations are no different.

First a story: when I was five years old, I got measles (also known as hard measles or red measles). I was the 1 in 1000 children who also got encephalitis as a side effect, which is a swelling of the brain. I was in a coma for 5 days. This was 58 years ago—before the vaccine was available to me where I lived. At the time, there were 3 of us in Blank Children's Hospital in Des Moines with encephalitis secondary to measles. The other two had long-term mental or physical challenges because of the encephalitis. I am forever grateful that I recovered apparently unscathed.

There is a reason that we have vaccinations—most of the time it is for really horrific or potentially horrific diseases that are very contagious and/or have high rates of either debilitating or fatal consequences: Whooping Cough, Polio, Small Pox, Tetanus, etc. We have learned a great deal over the years about making them safer—no agents like preservatives or other adjuvants that act to boost the immune system. Are there “perfect vaccines?” No. For example: some are made using eggs to incubate a virus to have enough to make the vaccine and if you are allergic to eggs, that isn't a good thing. And in the past were the vaccines perfect? No. For example: in the past the DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) had a 1 in 100,000 chance of causing seizures or other severe nervous system disabilities. But the death rates from each of those 3 diseases was high and the dying was frightening because you couldn't breathe.

Here are some of the things we need to be thinking about for the Covid vaccine:
=How infectious is this disease? “Regular Covid” is very infectious. The new mutation of it is 50% more infectious than “regular” Covid, and appears to cause a lot more problems with children and young adults, including death.
=What is the death rate for Covid? In the U.S. it appears to be about 5-6% of those with cases requiring hospitalization. Of those who are hospitalized but recover, make no mistake—there are long-term challenges that go on afterward including but not limited to compromised circulatory and respiratory function, decreased kidney function, disrupted nervous system functions like decreased memory, extreme foggy thinking, difficulty with executive functions like analysis of data, decision-making and sequencing of tasks (like showering before you dress), as well as a small but persistent number cited worldwide of folks with violent psychosis (which isn't that you want to kill yourself, or that you want to wear tinfoil on your head so the Russians can't hear your thoughts through your fillings, but refers to wanting to kill other members of society or animals like pets with abandon and for no apparent reason).
=Can herd immunity protect me? Herd immunity is the percentage of the general population that needs to either be vaccinated or immune from having been exposed so that the likelihood of those who could get sick won't. This percentage is usually very high like 95-96%. That works pretty well for viruses that don't mutate very quickly. We know that Covid mutates—here we are a year later and there is a mutation.
=Does the vaccine absolutely protect me? Like anything it won't protect you 100%, but the level of protection is high enough after two injections, that even if you get Covid after being vaccinated (you can't get the illness from the vaccine itself), it is likely to be far less debilitating than without the vaccine. But you do need two doses—the first one “wakes up” your immune system to the possibility of Covid while the second one “confirms” the necessity of antibodies in your body's cell memory. But if future variants are sufficiently different, or if it has been awhile since you were last vaccinated, you may need boosters in the future (as we currently do with tetanus).
=Once you are vaccinated, can you still spread the virus? Yes, you can carry it and expose others until they are also vaccinated or otherwise immune. So at first you will still need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and physically distance yourself from others, but at some point you won't need to any more.

What else do we need to think about? It is highly likely that certain segments of the population will be required to be vaccinated: health care workers at hospitals, clinics and nursing homes; those living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities; as certification for travel by mass transit—particularly by air or cruise ship; those with risk factors such as people of color (any color), other chronic health issues or those over age 65.

We also know that the 3 day test for Covid has a 40% false negative rate, meaning that 40% of the time it will say you don't have it when in fact you do. In the 15 min Covid test (or “rapid test”), that false negative rate is 50%. Any other test with that high rate would never have made it to market, but it was the best we could do given how quickly this came upon us. Again everything has pluses and minues.

The current vaccines were rolled out quickly and some think that there wasn't enough testing. Granted, the need is so pressing that the timeline isn't long. On the other hand, everyday there are reports of more and more people (hundreds of thousands of new positive tests every day just in the U.S. with almost 2000 people dead per day as of yesterday). Here are the total number of positive cases (they had a positive test) from some other countries as of yesterday: South Korea over 69,000; Egypt over 150,000; Japan over 289,000; Mainland China over 87,000; Norway over 55,000; France over 2,780,000; United Kingdom over 3,000,000. The United States as of yesterday was more than 22,500,000. We have had 7 times as many cases as the UK.

Will you decide to get the vaccine or not? Only you can decide. For me, I plan to get the vaccine. Because I do 95% of my work either on the phone or via computer, AND because I happen to have N-95 masks (which are no longer available to the general public so that they can go directly to hospitals), I plan to let others on the early lists of people to get the vaccine go first, because they need to and we are having trouble getting the vaccine out rapidly. But by the end of the year at the latest, I plan to be vaccinated. I would also tell my kids and my husband to be vaccinated as well. That is because the list of long-term severe outcomes is high and the rate of death is relatively high.

I hope that no matter where you fall on this issue that you are at the least willing to think through things carefully. You may be surrounded by folks who tell you to get the vaccine but you have been told or feel strongly that you shouldn't. You might feel like you should but those around you won't. Know that any decision you make will have pluses and minuses. Your ultimate decision is this: no vaccine and you may need to wear a mask for a long time or stay socially isolated. Or perhaps know that if you get it, you may recover with long-term problems, or (God forbid) you might die. Those are all your free-will choices, but go in “clear-eyed”...no fanciful thinking!

I think that it is clear that like masks, hand-washing and physically distancing ourselves, vaccines are another (and far more convenient) way to protect not only ourselves but all others in our society—family and friends as well as society at large.


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.
Karlta Zarley - January Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 1
January 8, 2021


Dear Ones—

Remember previous newsletters where I have talked about the coming around again of Pluto to where it was 1 full cycle ago (244 yrs ago in 1776) at the time of passing of the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War? The old cycles come around and around, and each iteration gives us a chance to re-examine what is working for us, what isn't, how to mature and make things better, in this case in our American Society.

I find it very heartening that people are finally starting to label some of the recent political actions as what they are—fomenting unrest, threatening democracy, etc. and that various groups and individuals are finally taking the bull by the horns and saying “this is NOT okay!”--whether that is people or businesses. All of this is necessary as we identify what we don't want, what we do want, and even the things we thought we might want but are finding are not in enough integrity to warrant hanging onto.

As we go through this, the world is watching to see what happens in a democracy when there are growing pains, when there is a “mid-life crisis,” when there is a Dark Night of the Soul for a society. Please remember that as you make your own individual choices in your intentions, your desires, your words and your actions so that you can be as consistent between all of those levels as possible. Actively look for where things are not working as you would like them either personally or societally (such as financial slavery, double standards, entitlement-thinking, etc.) and clear up how you feel about it, where you see those things in your own life (even if it is a societal issue), AND make the changes you need to so that you bring yourself back into integrity across the board.

Also look at your lives for where you are most frightened, most unsure, most chaotic. Note that there are two components to how easily you can resolve this. One is your own emotions around the issues and getting a handle on them. Don't stuff them away. Take them out and sit with them. Feel them. Be compassionate towards them, while still knowing that it doesn't have to be this way, even if you can't “fix it” immediately. This is equanimity. There is another piece of this too. Besides the direct emotions you are working with, there is also resistance to change and a desire to control things to make yourself feel safer. As we move closer and closer to inhabiting the place of “spirits having a physical experience,” the more we need to learn to mimic energy—always moving, always changing, not judging, always being in flow. That means we need to strengthen our ability to control our thoughts, intentions, words and actions. That means that we need to practice making change where we feel we can so that it is easier to make change where it scares us. That means that we need to grasp and cling less, and allow and trust more.

Only by changing ourselves can we change society. This works because we really are all One, even if we don't see it ourselves or believe we are there yet. We have always been One, we are just trying to remember how to live like that while we dwell in the forgetfulness of the 3D world-view.

2021 energetically is a much better year than 2020. But remember that energy is so much less tangible than matter that it shifts more rapidly. So we won't see that really start in earnest (with critical mass) for a few more months...probably until about May. In the meantime, really See the glimpses of change that we do have in front of us: various individuals no longer succumbing to the hypnosis of power gone haywire and giving their personal power away; businesses saying they will no longer support treasonous posts; people deciding their own integrity is more important than allowing others to misrepresent them or bully them.

Yes things are unsettled, but I am really proud of how Americans are waking up to Who They Really Are.


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.

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Karlta Zarley - February Newsletter
Volume 18; Number 4
February 12, 2021


Dear Ones—

We are starting to have a glimpse of getting back to more normalcy in our lives as more people are vaccinated or survive being sick. The more we think through this carefully rather than just throw out nonspecifics, the easier this process will be. Non-specifics are a good place to start (e.g.: “Live in Harmony”), but they don't address the issues and “why's and how's” of getting there. My ideas won't be the same as your ideas, and we need ALL of our ideas to make this shift rapidly and gracefully. We need to be able to talk about this; and EVERY ONE OF US needs to be prepared to compromise in order to move closer to what we want more of even in incremental steps. (And please remember that compromise doesn't refer to the giving up of something we don't care about. It is the giving up of one thing we want in order to secure something bigger that we want more.)

Let's start to envision how we can make long-term meaningful change to our lives as we start to emerge from the gift of “coronavirus stillness.” You don't have to agree with me! And I urge you to start thinking about your ideas and sharing them with others!

If we assume that half of our workforce needs to work on site all the time, then let's also assume that the other half could work from home half the time. This means that they start to share office space. They save on things like eating out for lunch, parking, fuel costs, babysitting, and commute time. The buildings where they work don't need to be as big so there are saved costs in physical plant items like insurance, heating and cooling, maintenance, etc. Business overhead goes down in meaningful ways. Goods and services can start to cost less to consumers. Salary costs can go down, some of which can be used to improve benefits, but much of which can equalize the playing field in terms of socioeconomic classes and paying for things like education and healthcare.

Temporarily there would be glut on commercial real estate, but that could be sold or rented for lower cost to small businesses or remodeled and used for lower cost apartments and condos in city centers where housing costs are enormous. Other areas can be used for outpatient clinics and doctors offices so that preventative health care is easier to access. Still other areas can be used for housing for battered women and children, homeless people, people in rehab, mental illness group living, retirement living and nursing homes, etc. As housing and fuel expenses go down, workers can get further ahead with less income so the standard of living can go up and people can have more disposable income to use for fun. College education costs could go down in meaningful ways because people would be learning online. School debt would be lower and not such a driver of financial slavery for so many.

There would be segments of business and society that would go away or be “losers” but there would be new segments that would open up. Everyone would need to change something, but we have all been making changes already...a few more might make us ALL much happier, safer, healthier, and content. We'd have more time for the people we are closest to, more time to do things we really like such as hobbies, rather than trying to “keep up with the Joneses” or interacting with the world in ways that are too much. We can work hard using interfaces such as phones, Zoom and computers, but have more time to go outside and play, meet up with friends and play, do our creative projects like gardening or art (and did I mention play??). That would offset sitting in front of devices. We might even learn to work for 3 hrs in the morning, have 2 hours off to eat lunch, exercise, meet with friends, run errands, interact with our families, etc. and then go back to work for 3-4 more hours. Those who work from home have found that even though there is more to juggle, they get more done, they are more present, and have closer relationships with those they live with. When they are happier and more fulfilled, there is less discontent, envy and negativity in general. They can get along better with others...you get the picture.

I urge you to think through what you want to see and what the natural outcomes and shifts and accommodations could be to make it happen. Write it down (which makes it more likely to happen than just thinking about it). Share your ideas with other people.

The is the work that we are here to do. It won't necessarily be easy, but it could be very fun, very positive and extremely rewarding for everyone.


© 2021 Karlta Zarley
All Rights Reserved.